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International Scholarships

At Leeds Arts University we value the diversity, different perspectives and enrichment our international students bring to our community. To recognise this, we are delighted to offer a range of scholarships to assist with the cost of studying in the UK. Our scholarships are designed to reward talent and quality of application. Scholarships are awarded throughout the application process on the basis of academic merit and the strength of the portfolio/audition.

International Vice Chancellor’s Scholarships

We have a wide range of scholarships, normally awarded as a tuition fee discount for the first year of the course. Our scholarships start from £2,000 and are available to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Scholarships will be awarded based on academic merit, the strength of your application, your personal statement and if applicable, the quality of your portfolio/audition.

Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis, so early application for a place at the University is advised.

Scholarships are awarded as part of the admissions process – there is no need for a separate application.

GREAT Scholarship

In partnership with the British Council and the GREAT Britain Campaign, Leeds Arts University is proud to offer one GREAT Scholarship to Indian postgraduate applicants. The GREAT Scholarship 2025 programme, launched by the British Council, supports postgraduate students to access world-class UK higher education opportunities.

Click here for more information about our GREAT Scholarship

International Partner University Scholarships

We are pleased to offer applicants progressing to study at Leeds Arts University from an official partner university a 20% tuition fee discount for the first year of the course. Our partner universities are:


International Progression Award

Current Leeds Arts University international students directly progressing from our Foundation Diploma in Art and Design to an undergraduate degree, or from an undergraduate degree to a postgraduate degree, are eligible for a 10% tuition fee discount. The discount is applied to the tuition fees for each year of the course.

Early payment discount

Students who pay the full annual tuition fee before the 31 August will receive a discount of 5%. Please apply the discount at the time of payment and please allow time for the payment to clear.

Skin's Chancellor Scholarship

The University is delighted to offer a Skin's Chancellor Scholarship for an international undergraduate student. A cash scholarship of £3,000 per year for three years will be awarded to one international student.

Click here for more information about Skin's Chancellor Scholarship

Deadline for applications: 5:00pm Friday 13 June 2025

Please send your completed form and attached images to with the subject 'Skin's Chancellor Scholarship'.

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