
Michael Godsall


BA (Hons) Fine Art

Photograph of Michael Godsall smiling outside in a blue corduroy shirt.

Michael Godsall graduated from BA (Hons) Fine Art in 2019 and has since established themselves as a freelance photographer and filmmaker.

After graduating, Michael took place in the Careers, Employability and Enterprise Funded Studio Space scheme. In 2023, Michael was commissioned by Summat Creative, a CIC which co-produces creative and sports projects with people with Learning Disabilities in Bradford. Michael co-produced a film with their participants, documenting their outdoor pursuits to go alongside their dynamic light performance using only pedal power, as part of BD: Is Lit in Bradford City Centre, called Speed of Light.

"Doing the funded studio scheme has transformed my professional life. I have achieved a sense of separation from my work and home and been able to connect and network with a wide variety of people from similar industries leading to work opportunities and feeling part of a community of creative people. It has left me in a really positive position and given me the opportunity to make my freelance photography and video career, sustainable and creatively fulfilling, where I look forward to work each day."

Michael Godsall, BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate and Funded Studio Space resident

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