News / 09 Jul 2024

Fine Art student awarded Kenneth Armitage Young Sculptor Prize

BA (Hons) Fine Art

Final year BA (Hons) Fine Art student Silvia Avila-Parcet is one of three students to be awarded this year's Kenneth Armitage Young Sculptor Prize.

The Kenneth Armitage Young Sculptor Prize is a prestigious prize awarded annually to final year students specialising in sculpture at art schools with which he had a close association.

Silvia was awarded the prize this year for her work, 'Terreno Estimado (Estimated/Esteemed Terrain)', a series of sculptures made from cast bronze, slumped glass, mirror, steel and light. Silvia works with traditional hand casting and moulding techniques to make sculptures that are a translation of desert type landscapes, places that appear desolate but are in fact environments that host unique ecosystems.

"'Silvia Avila-Parcet's work Terreno Estimado impressed Trustees with its material and spatial qualities and use of projected light which created another dimension and reading of the work. Silvia's finely tuned sense of colour, her use of the reflective properties of metal and glass, together with her technical abilities, showed a deep understanding of sculptural language. She used light to expand the formal abstract qualities of a freestanding, three dimensional structure to throw a linear architectural cityscape on the walls immersing the viewer in a sensory imagined world. "

Trustees, Kenneth Armitage Foundation

"Winning the prize reassured my confidence in myself and my practice and the path I have chosen. I am an artist and a crafts person and it is my wish to continue developing the skills I have and learning new ones, always pushing my own limits. The Kenneth Armitage Sculpture prize will not only be a substantial financial help but an incredible catalyst to the start of my career."

Silvia Avila-Parcet, BA (Hons) Fine Art student

Silvia has won a cash prize of £3,000.

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