News / 11 Jun 2024

Ruth Selina Prize 2024 Awarded

Foundation Diploma in Art and Design

The annual Ruth Selina Memorial Prize has been awarded to Leeds Arts University Foundation Diploma in Art and Design student Maisy Moorby.

The prize includes an award of £500 and is presented to a student on the Fine Art pathway on the Foundation Diploma in Art and Design at Leeds Arts University.

"Maisy was awarded the Ruth Selina prize because the judges felt that her approach to her practice aligned with Ruth's own practice and sensibilities and Maisy demonstrated a similar high level of focus and engagement in her studies. Her project, which investigated sonic textures, combined highly inventive explorations of how these observations might be translated into physical forms, demonstrating excellent craftsmanship, alongside a sensitive and mindful approach."

Adam Stone, Foundation Diploma in Art and Design Pathway Leader

On her work, Maisy Moorby said “Sound is multilayered. It exists in the physical world without being material or something you can touch. I am interested in how the sonic world can interact with the physical world; how sound can be made tangible. Sound underpins my practice.”

"This piece plays on the idea that nothing is ever fully silent. I recorded outside of music venues in Leeds, during the day time when there would be no performances. Still these moments were full of sound - though the ones we overlook when focusing on live music. Car engines. Rain. Footsteps. The visuals are translated sound waves. Textures that stretched and distorted as things like size, media and dimensions changed. The colours were extracted from the locations I recorded at: Brudenell Social Club, Hyde Park Book Club, Leeds Grand Theatre, First Direct Arena and the O2 Academy."

Maisy Moorby, Foundation Diploma in Art and Design student

“I am extremely grateful to have my work recognised for the Ruth Selina award. It's a fantastic ending to my year at Leeds Arts University.”

The prize is awarded in memory of Ruth Selina who completed the Foundation Diploma in Art and Design at Leeds Arts University in 2018 and sadly passed away in the first year of her degree course. The Ruth Selina prize has been established by Ruth’s family to celebrate her rich creative life, in particular the period of time spent on the Foundation Diploma.

"Ruth loved her time at Leeds Arts University. Ruth was an engaging, gifted student with keen intellectual enquiry. Ruth was always present when she was with someone. She was very interested in them and was empathetic by nature. A gentle, caring soul with a keen intellect and sense of fun too."

Mike Selina, Father of Ruth Selina

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